Increase Your Home’s Security and Add Ambience with Landscape Lighting



Did you know that keeping your landscape lit is one of the best ways to improve your home’s security? And you don’t have to sacrifice the beauty of your property by doing so. A professionally lit and landscaped yard can add an enormous amount of ambience to your home, while also protecting it from possible intruders.

The key is to add powerful lighting in specific areas, like garages and front doors, in order to highlight these spaces across your home’s perimeter. Then use additional lights across your yard to compliment and balance the look, including lighting placed at the base of trees and plants, along the driveway, fence and porch area.

Before installing the lights, you’ll want to take some time to think about the areas of your property that you want lit. I always recommend that you map this out to start, to get some clarity as a homeowner. But this will also help the person installing the lights, giving them points of interest to work with.

The types of lights used in landscape lighting include path lights, ascent lights and small floodlights; most use LED lightbulbs, which is great for keeping things energy-efficient. For higher-visibility areas, up to 120-volt lighting can be used, whereas 12- and 15-volt lighting is often used in other areas to help beautify the home’s landscape. And always be sure to place your lights in locations where tampering won’t occur.

Installing landscape lighting not only adds added beauty to your yard, but it often adds a level of peace and serenity for homeowners, whether at home or away. Having a professional handle your landscape lighting adds to the level of security, and helps ensure that your lights are properly installed, while adding some extra stylistic beauty to your home.